5 Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination and Boosting Productivity in College

When you are in college, procrastination is not your friend. It is tempting to put things off because you think there is always time to do things. The problem is you get to lose a lot. Research has shown that when you replace important tasks with easier things to do, you are getting a bad value in return for a short burst of joy.

In addition, procrastination can be a major barrier to your academic success. It messes up your academic plans and your productivity. Take a look at 5 strategies to beat procrastination and boost productivity to enjoy a higher level of academic success.

1. Set priorities

It goes without saying that setting priorities must be your primary goal. When you are clear about your priorities and the sequence in which you want to achieve your objectives, it becomes easier to plan for them. Procrastination is less likely when you follow a clear and time-bound plan. 

Make sure you don’t create complex, unrealistic goals. Try to break down intractable problems into manageable pieces. Plan for incremental progress and allow space for taking corrective actions. If you need help with your academic assignments, make sure you hire reliable Writing Universe services to complete your essays on time and at affordable rates.

2. Follow a structured schedule

When creating your plan, make sure you structure it wisely. Make logical connections, don’t take too much on yourself, and insert proper breaks to give yourself enough breathing space. When you have a good schedule in place, you are less likely to go off on a tangent. There will be things trying to sidetrack you, but as long as you stick to your schedule, there will be no place for procrastination. In fact, you will see an increase in your productivity.

3. Get rid of distractions

It is important to identify things and people that are distracting you from focusing on your priorities. They are the reason you often give in to procrastination. It can be a noisy place or a friend of yours who’ll try to convince you to put off your homework for another day.

Don’t let distractions creep into your daily routine. The more you allow them, the more likely you become to lag behind. At worst, you can reach a level at which it will be impossible to rebound. Identify all such factors, and minimize or eliminate them as soon as possible.

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4. Incremental progress

Don’t get overwhelmed with too many tasks or too many unmanageable tasks. Your plan is as good as it is manageable and realistic. See if you can break it down into smaller pieces. Those should still aggregate to create a larger task, but you should be able to see how each smaller component works to contribute to the overall success.

Make logical connections between tasks. Keep records to encourage yourself. Before you know it, you will see your productivity go up. 

5. Take care of yourself

Maintain a healthy study-life balance. It is important to get things done in your college, but taking on too much or taking on too much without proper rest is fraught with challenges. You don’t want to fall victim to burnout or stress. If you start suffering from mental health, the consequences will be too daunting to deal with. Don’t let things take control of you. Integrate proper rest, physical exercise, and fun activities into your schedule to maintain a healthy balance.

Finishing Touches

Procrastination can be your real enemy when you study in college. It is easy to fall victim to it, and you should be alert to all the negative consequences that ensue. Practice the above strategies to make sure you get things done on time and boost your productivity to achieve academic excellence and success. 

Sandra Dodrill is a popular writer, student coach, and therapist. She has carried out multiple research exploring the correlation between lifestyle habits and academic performance. Sandra loves working with students to help them overcome mental stress and procrastination to achieve their learning objectives.

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