5 Letter Words Starting AP {July} Know The Words Here!

Find the list of some 5 Letter Words Starting AP in this article to help you in the Wordle game. 

Do you play Wordle daily? Were you able to guess today’s answer? Wordle can be a tricky game when you can’t seem to find the correct answer. There are little tries, and sometimes you don’t even get a hint. 

Since the answer is universal, whether you are in New ZealandAustralia, the United KingdomIndia, the United States, or any other country, the Internet will help you find the answer. For today’s Wordle puzzle, 5 Letter Words Starting AP is said to be a significant hint; let’s see!

5 Letter Words Beginning with AP

The hint lies in the game Wordle. People have recently been searching about 5-letter words that begin with AP. Today’s Wordle puzzle’s answer is a 5-letter word that starts with AP.

Thus, if you want to try out some words, here is a list of 5-letter words that begin with AP, as we know:

  • Apart
  • Apers
  • Apery
  • Aphid
  • Apian
  • Apnea
  • Appal
  • Apple
  • April
  • Apted
  • Aptly
  • Apert
  • Aping
  • Apply

Although there is a lot more to this list, if you are looking for the right 5 Letter Words Starting With AP, which is the answer to Wordle, then let us inform you that the answer lies in this list above. For the final reveal, please continue reading this post.

About the Wordle game:

Wordle is a popular web-based game launched in October 2021 by Josh Wardle, its developer. It is a word game that gives players six tries to guess a 5-letter meaningful English word.

After the game and its features that allowed players to share their results online were released, it gained much popularity. 

Before we reveal the correct answer among the 5 Letter Words Starting AP for today’s Wordle, let’s learn about its gameplay.

Learn Here To Play

As mentioned before, Wordle is a word game where the player has six tries to predict the final answer. With each word you enter in the tiles displayed on the screen, the game provides you feedback by changing the tiles’ color.

A yellow colour depicts the letter is in the final word but in another position; a green colour depicts the letter is in the correct position, whereas a grey colour depicts the letter is not in the correct word.

Today’s Wordle hint: 5 Letter Words Starting With AP

Every day starts with a new Wordle puzzle. Players from every corner of the world wake up to a new challenge of guessing the correct 5-letter word; however, sometimes, it can get tricky. 

For Today’s Wordle #397 for 21 July 2022, here are some hints to help you:

  • The word has two different vowels.
  • The term ends with the letter “D.”
  • The 5-letter word begins with the letters A and P.
  • The word is a noun and relates to insects. 

Could you now guess the answer? Yes, the answer to Wordle 397 is APHID. 

Final Words:

This article provided the list of 5 Letter Words Starting AP. One of them is the answer to today’s Wordle game, and we hope it helped you. If you haven’t played today’s Wordle, please click this link! 

Have you read the article? For, any further queries, contact us in the comment section.

Also Read : – 5 Letter Words Starting With Sho {April} Find Ou

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