Resume Writing: Tips and Tricks Not to Be Missed!

While writing an effective resume is useful, it takes time, organization, know-how and focus to succeed. Regardless of your profile, there are rules to follow in order to succeed. Your motivation to join a new company or to occupy a higher level position should encourage you to improve your business card, i.e. your CV, more and more. Here are the tips and tricks not to be missed for writing a good resume. 

Demonstrate originality

To write a good CV, the first rule of thumb is to be original in order to stand out from other candidates. Your CV should not be the same as the recruiter has seen from others over the years. Stay original. This is the key to successful resume writing. Using the resume examples and templates available online, you can add your own personal touch to customize the template that suits you. If you know how to differentiate yourself from others through your CV, there is no doubt that you will interest the recruiter. 

In short, an original CV is a unique CV that represents your personality. You can, for example, opt for a thematic resume, or list your skills and experience in order of importance, or insert links to your personal blog or professional network. This approach will allow the recruiter to find you more easily among so many candidates and to know everything about you.  

To be honest

Did anyone ever tell you that lying on your resume is punishable by law? Yes, to gain the trust of recruiters and land your dream job, there is no point in making things up. Of course, it is quite tempting to lie on a few points of your CV to make it look better, but remember that sooner or later your lie will come to light and you could risk not only unemployment but also sanctions. 

Also, remember that the recruiter may ask you unexpected questions, or more precisely, trick questions during the interview. If you lie, they can easily spot it and you can easily lose all your chances of being hired. In short, stay honest and everything will be fine. 

Highlight your skills and experience

As in all types of resumes, the skills and experience sections are mandatory. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced worker, you always have the opportunity to showcase yourself by placing one or the other of these sections in the best places. 

If you have several experiences, mention only those related to the position you are applying for. And if you have none, this time put forward your skills.

Support with tangible results

Experience is nothing if it is not accompanied by results. The recruiter will be able to judge that you are lying about your experiences if you do not explain the results you obtained in such or such position. Moreover, the figures always serve as a support for the recruiters to measure your professional limits. 

Describe each task one by one and follow it with your accomplishments to be more specific and to give more details, especially if the experience in question is related to the position you are applying for.

Keep your tone short, to the point and to the point

A good CV is above all a CV with the right tone to show that you are professional in your objectives and your future plans. Be extremely precise when talking about your technical skills and use a brief and precise tone that will be easier to understand by your recruiter. 

At this point, provide the important details for each position you held in the past, i.e., the length of the contract (start and end dates) and the assignments you performed. Use short sentences, and use an active rather than a passive tone of voice to demonstrate your dynamism. Do not write in the first person. Ideally, use sentences that begin with verbs or impersonal phrases.

Improve the layout and language level

As for the layout, for your CV to be perfect, do not exceed one page, or 2 if you have a lot of experience. Use tables to integrate elements that happened at the same time and that you think meet the recruiters’ requirements. It’s easier to read. And if possible, write your CV in the same language as the ad. Use strong language and check for spelling mistakes before sending it. 

Ask for the opinion of your loved ones

Once you are satisfied with your CV, do not send it out again until you have had it read by someone close to you. He or she can advise you on the best presentation to adopt for your profile. His or her criticism can be used to remove unnecessary elements from your CV and thus optimize it. It is possible that there are mistakes that you did not notice because you were too concentrated in writing the document. 

Asking someone close to you for advice will prevent you from sending an application that is “rejectable” because it is full of careless mistakes. If you don’t have anyone to advise you, you can read your CV several times before sending it. 

Aerate your CV

Whether your CV is one or two pages long, make it easier to read. To do this, delimit each zone assigned to each of the headings of your CV. And organize them so that the most important information is at the top. If you only include essential information in your CV, it should not exceed the 2-page limit while remaining well ventilated. 

A tip for this: reduce the font used in your resume. Ideally between 10 and 12. And opt for professional fonts such as Times New Roman, Calibri or Helvetica to remain legible. Sometimes a simple detail can make a big difference and increase your chances of being hired with a good resume.

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