Environmental Sustainability Tips for College Students

A Guide to Environmental Sustainability Tips for College Student

College is a busy time, and while you focus on your studies, you can take steps to improve your environment. Your actions matter, and while they might look like minor steps in the fight for our planet, they contribute to improving the overall situation. Students can contribute to environmental sustainability in several ways, and we’ve identified the most achievable ones. Some of these tips will help you save money and adopt a healthier lifestyle, which will be a win-win situation. 


On an average day, we use many materials that can be recycled instead of disposing them. They include plastic bottles, soda cans, snack wrappings, and other containers from your meals. Instead of throwing it all in your bin, you can sort your recyclable waste and put it in your campus recycle bins. If there are none, try to find a recycling center near you that accepts the waste so that it will be recycled. 

Recycling also means purchasing products from companies that recycle. Research the products you often use and purchase and confirm that their companies are eco-friendly and recycle. Another option is to support eco-friendly shops by purchasing furniture, clothes, and materials from recycled materials. These shops offer great quality and pocket-friendly prices, like RoyalWriter in the academic writing scene.


Another way to help the environment while reducing costs is by reusing. Reusing is a strategy people have used for centuries; whereby disposable items are repurposed for other uses. For example, instead of using a disposable plastic bag whenever you purchase groceries, purchase a reusable cloth bag for your trips to the supermarket.

You can also acquire a reusable water bottle and refill it around campus instead of constantly spending money on plastic water bottles. Additionally, if you’re a coffee person, you can purchase a reusable coffee filter for your machine to avoid running out while saving the environment. There are a variety of containers around your house you can reuse to serve other purposes, such as: 

  • Using glass jars and containers to store dry food like rice.
  • Using plastic containers to store things like stationery, screws, and other supplies.
  • Using old clothes for rags.

There are many items you can reuse in your house instead of throwing away. All you need is some creativity and the will to help the environment. 

Reduce Your Use of Paper

While it’s common to use notebooks for college notes, you can opt to take notes electronically on your device. Your notes will stay organized, and you can access them from any device if you upload them to your cloud. Paying bills online will also reduce the amount of paper waste in your house. 

Save Electricity/Energy

Make your home eco-friendly by reducing the amount of energy you use. First, you can audit your home and devices to identify areas to improve and save energy. From there, you can take steps such as replacing bulbs with eco-friendly options. Also, set your devices to energy-saving mode to save energy. You can also adopt energy conservation methods at home, such as switching off lights when you leave a room and unplugging idle electronics. 

Use Eco-Friendly Modes of Transport

Vehicles are one of the biggest sources of carbon emissions in the world. However, in recent years, we’ve made many improvements in eco-friendly vehicles, including electric cars and hybrids. As a student aiming to be environmentally sustainable, opt for either to reduce your carbon footprint. Alternatively, you can use public transportation instead of driving everywhere. Walking is also a great option if you live on campus or nearby, as it will help improve your physical health. 

Buy Local or Grow Your Greens

Purchase local and organic foods from your local farmer’s market to support local farmers and the environment. Locally produced products take less transportation to get to you, which makes them eco-friendly. However, if you have the time and space, consider growing fruits and vegetables to reduce purchases. 

Take Care of Your Health

Managing your physical and mental wellness is a reliable way of encouraging environmental sustainability. By being mindful, you will make conscious choices about consumption and reduce impulse purchases that might increase wastage. Taking care of your body by eating healthy and getting enough sleep ensures you have more energy for the day. The energy can be useful for walking or cycling to school, thereby reducing your reliance on cars. 

Your mental well-being is also crucial for conserving the environment. When you’re burnt out or overwhelmed, you will be less likely to stick to environmental sustainability practices. So, maintain your mental health by taking breaks, connecting with people, and developing good coping mechanisms. Some students even purchase essay writing services to get time to relax and do other things that promote their mental soundness. Find activities that work for you and do them regularly.

Join Environment Sustainability Groups in College

Most colleges have environment or sustainability clubs you can join to meet and engage with like-minded people. It can be an opportunity to make good friends and cooperate with others to help save the environment. Sustainability clubs will help you learn more about sustainability by exchanging ideas and hosting workshops with guest speakers. 

The clubs can also organize initiatives to make your college campus more sustainable, such as creating campaigns for recycling and reducing waste on campus. It will also be a great place to build professional networks and will look great on your resume when you start job hunting. 

Buy Second-Hand Products

Buying new products is not always the right choice. For example, you might only need your college books for a few years, so buying new ones might be wasteful. Find vendors selling used copies, and you will save money. The same applies to clothes. Instead of buying overpriced designer clothes, you can find a thrift shop and purchase some nice clothes at very cheap prices. What’s more, you can furnish your house with used furniture from garage sales and other local sources of second-hand furniture. It will save you a lot of money. 

Final Thoughts

College can be a mixed bag of experiences for students, but it’s also a great place to start positively impacting the environment. By incorporating these sustainability tips, you make a difference in the fight to save your environment. The key to success is to use the practices that suit your lifestyle. So, take the first step and remember every small effort counts. 

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