Is Kevin Samuels Dead Confirmed? Does His Mother Confirm He Really Dead?

This article shares the death of Kevin Samuels. We have given all the possible information to resolve your query regarding Is Kevin Samuels is Dead Confirmed?

Do you like to get yourself engaged on YouTube a lot? Are you notified about a prominent YouTuber who’s famous for relationship advice? Yes, you got it right! We are talking about Kevin Samuels, who is quite famous in the United States and Canada

He is an excellent relationship consultant and impression specialist also. His YouTube channel has more than 1.4 million subscribers. But, there were rumours in the market about his death. Are those rumours related to his death true? Is Kevin Samuels Dead ConfirmedLet’s check below-

What Happened To Kevin?

Kevin was experiencing chest pain on Thursday. After getting this news, social media got overloaded with rumours about his death. His mother denied those rumours, and she requested everyone to pray for them. 

A woman from Samuel’s apartment called 911 when he sobbed about chest pain. She was trying to help him then he fell off. When police arrived, he was unresponsive, wounded and was getting CPR. Samuel was 53 years old and was sent to Piedmont Hospital for further procedures. 

Is Kevin Samuels Dead?

Unfortunately, an answer to this query is yes. Things were kept secret after going to the hospital, and people were only playing guessing games. But, finally, on a phone call, after requesting everyone to pray for them, Kevin’s mother notified everyone that he was no more. 

After analysing his lasting situation, he might be suffering from cardiac arrest or something related to the heart. But, the causes of his death aren’t known yet, and the medical department is processing the post-mortem. Reports will reveal the exact reason for death soon. 

Why Is Kevin Samuels Dead Confirmed Trending?

Kevin Samuels was a famous You Tuber, both positively and negatively. Many men found his relationship advice solid and reasonable. At the same time, women, specifically black women, used to call him lethal for depicting women inappropriately. 

He wasn’t married till 56 and was a perfect relationship advisor. Many said that his advice was harmful and misogynistic. So, we can say that social media is showering negative comments on his death. All these comments and controversies made this topic trend. 

Where’s He Now?

A popular and controversial You Tuber is in Atlanta now. Kevin Samuels’s Mother Confirms everything with NBC news. The influencer died in the Atlanta region itself on Thursday. His mother spoke to the news channel and confirmed the news by herself. 

As per many sources, plenty of black women took a sigh of relief. He always targeted black women in his YouTube videos which triggered women. He is still known for his contentious wooing guidance and announcements about Black women. 


As a concluding thought, a prominent You Tuber, relationship, and lifestyle advisor has died. The causes behind his death are unknown, but his mother entrenched everything via phone call. So, the answer to Is Kevin Samuels Dead Confirmed? Is yes. 

All the gathered information regarding this controversial topic is based on Internet research. Click here to know more. And, Comment Down Your Favourite Video of Kevin Samuel-

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