Is Gerald Cotten Really Dead {March} Truth Revealed!

This news article contains essential information about Is Gerald Cotten Really Dead and explores the money scams he has done previously.

Do you know who Gerald Cotton is? Is he dead or alive? Some think Gerald, who has Crohn’s disease, is still alive. He died after suffering from terrible stomach discomfort for nine days. According to Gerald’s wife, he promised to put in place a mechanism that would send over the passwords to her in the case of his death. 

Individuals residing in Canada and the United States are more curious. Further, if you want to know more about Is Gerald Cotten Really Dead, stay tuned.

About Gerald and his Death

Gerry Cotten, commonly known as Gerry, was accused of a far greater fraud fifteen years after the first one. Investors in Canada’s largest and most popular virtual currency exchange seek to collect 180 million Canadian dollars after the death of Gerry Cotton, QuadrigaCX’s CEO in 2018. 

Gerry died on the 9th of December 2018. He died after having a severe medical condition for 9 days. It was a sad demise. His age was just 30 at the time of his death.

How Did The Gerald Cotten Scam Happen

Gerald invested in the acquisition of a private airplane. Cotten envisioned his firm as more than just a financial tool; he saw it as a catalyst for social change. He lost all of the money he had put in the firm, S&S Investments, during the three months he was in charge of it. 

Jennifer Robertson and her husband visited affluent locations such as Paris and Morocco on a private jet trip, which she accompanied. His extravagant expenditures included acquiring 17 houses in Canada, a high-end Lexus luxury automobile, and a boat for $600,000, all purchased in one transaction. 

Know More about Scam and verify Is Gerald Cotten Really Dead.

Referring to history, Gerald used an internet forum called TalkGold, Gerald Cotten and lured his first investors at the tender age of 15, where he promised them profits of up to 150 percent in only two days. 

At the point of Gerald death, an investigation into how vast quantities of money ended up in the wrong hands began. Cotten’s fraud was discovered by the CBC earlier this year. QCX-INT They want a refund in this instance. 

QCX-INT was able to monitor domain names, linkages, and transactions on the blockchain due to Michael Patryn’s input. Quadriga was founded after the collapse of Liberty Reserve. 

Quadriga ultimately prevailed to reveal, Gerald Cotten Scam. Patryn departed the business in 2016 due to concerns over financial data transparency. He was utterly oblivious of their motives. The OSC investigated Quadriga’s bankruptcy in 2019. 

The news shared in this write-up are collected from the data available on the internet.

Final Verdict

The commission found several fraudulent Quadriga accounts created by Cotten to influence trading activity on the platform. He had 87 percent of the deals. His investors’ money was used to support his well-known, extravagant lifestyle. 

Our team has gathered essential information about Gerald Cotten from

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