Your Apple ID Has Been Disabled Text (Sep) Be Safe-Alert

This composition mentions in detail about the Your Apple ID Has Been Disabled Text scam targeting Apple users worldwide.

Have you received a text or message on your Apple device informing you that your Apple ID or Account has been disabled? Then you’ll find this article beneficial.

Apple Users have been recently getting these texts along with a link attached claiming to unlock the account. Users in the United States are more prone to these texts. We suggest our readers read this composition to understand if Your Apple ID Has Been Disabled Text is a scam or not. 

What Is Apple Inc.?

“Apple” is a major United States business founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in 1976 that makes software applications and gadgets. Macbook, iPad, iPhone etc., are all offerings of this corporation. This organization produces a wide range of software applications, including iOS and iTunes. They have more than 340 physical locations throughout the globe, in addition to an ecommerce store that sells both hardware and software components. 

With the current reputation of Apple, many scammers are trying to make the most of it. The Your Apple ID Has Been Disabled Text incident seems to be an activity by phishers only.

History Of Apple

The firm focused on manufacturing and selling the Apple I and Apple II pcs from 1976 through 1980. The Apple III systems were manufactured but failed due to a technical issue in the design. The next creation was Lisa, but it was well out of reach for the bulk of the population because of its market value. Macintosh was manufactured later, and its popularity is still prevalent today. In 2007, the renamed brand introduced iPhone, which was another head-turning moment for the company. 

Your Apple ID Has Been Disabled Text

As reported by Apple users in discussion forums online, there is a message claiming to be from Apple and says that the user’s Apple ID has been locked. There is a link attached to unlock the disabled account. The link is suspicious and might extract the owner’s details. 

It is dire to mention that Apple does not send a text or SMS if the ID is locked. Instead, apple sends an email to the user. Therefore, it is recommended to report such texts and, most importantly, not click on the links sent.  

Scam and Phishing Messages

The Your Apple ID Has Been Disabled Text scam is a prime example of phishing texts. Fraudsters duplicate authentic email or Text communications to mislead anyone to providing valuable confidential info and credentials. We will mention some criteria that match the hacker’s ways of scamming. 

  • First, Email address and contact details do not reflect the claimed sender’s identity.
  • Second, while an URL in a text appears to be correct, the URL does not correspond to the firm’s site.
  • The communication appears to be very different from other ones you’ve gotten from the firm. The communication is uninvited and includes an attachment.

Final Verdict

This scam of Your Apple ID Has Been Disabled Text is a common phishing technique. Users might trust easily and end up getting scammed. Apple  does not send such texts to its users. 

Have you received such texts from Apple? Let us know of your experience below. 

Also Read : – Apple ID Text Scam (Sep 2021) Stay Alert & Avoid Scam!

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