Xur Is Not Showing Up {Sep 2021} Get the Useful Information!

Please read this article to know why Xur Is Not Showing Up and where to find the character.

Are you a hardcore gaming fan? Do you love to keep all the happenings of the gaming world at your fingertips? Have you heard about the recent occurrence in Destiny with Xur? If you would like to know, then read along our article to learn the details.

The game is currently facing this new issue in the United States, and the problem is that the merchant character Xur Is Not Showing Up, and it has been for quite a few days.

What is the game Destiny?

Destiny and Destiny 2 are two games consecutively released and are a character playing first-person shooting action game. 

The game comes from the house of Bungie and is published under Activision. The game outside Japan is available only for Playstation 3 and 4 and Xbox 360 and Xbox One, and PC versions are not available.

According to its creators, the game is not a first-player shooting game in a real sense but more of plot development and story-based experience. 

Xur Is Not Showing Up – Who is Xur?

The players of both Destiny and Destiny 2 know one thing for sure that they can count on Xur, who brings exclusive items for the players every weekend, mostly on Fridays. 

Xur is a unique Non-Playing Character or an NPC who is an exceptional seller selling exclusive weapons, armours, and other items that help players upgrade and move ahead in the game.

One thing about this NPC character Xur is that he is very tricky to find. Players often don’t know where and how to find Xur in case they need any special items.

Why Is Xur Not Showing Up? The recent happening:

Recently, many players in the United States faced an issue: they could not find Xur in the probable places where the character usually pops up. 

At first, this was thought to be a minor glitch, but many players switched characters and restarted the game, but still were no help.

This glitch continued for many days, and players started to get anxious about the happenings in the game. This problem resulted in a huge uproar, and players took to various gaming channels and asked Why Is Xur Not Showing Up

Is Xur gone, or is it a glitch?

After the player disappeared from the game for several days, they got anxious as they couldn’t find him in the tower. But, according to some experts, as of 24th September 2021, Xur disappears every Sunday and will return on Friday randomly at the rocky cliff, north of Winding Cove Landing Zone.


To clear the confusion, we would like to conclude by saying that, Xur is an NPC and will not disappear without the company informing it in advance. So, Xur Is Not Showing Up at usual is just a change, and the character is still there. You can know more about Xur’s Location.

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