Walmartgiftcard Com {June} Explore Legitimacy, Services!

Read exclusive facts unavailable elsewhere about Walmartgiftcard com, offering to provide extensive information related to Walmart Gift Cards.

Many websites in the United States are scamming inexperienced internet users by creating a sense of emergency. Did you know that such website relates themselves with reputed brand or includes keywords of reputed services? It helps such scamming websites be listed in the top results in search engines. is one such website which is trending due to the URL of the website matching keyword WalmartGiftCard. So, let’s check the authenticity of Walmartgiftcard com.

About is an old commercial website that was launched on 10th May 2009. It is twelve years, eleven months and twenty-six days old website. The website was updated on 2nd April 2021. was registered in the high-risk country Bahamas. has a long life expectancy as it will expire after three years and four days on 10th May 2025.

Though has a long time standing, it has failed to build a reliable trust score, which is poor at 30%. The website has an average 58.1% business ranking and a poor Alexa Rank. Walmartgiftcard com is considered a scamming website and scored a 21% suspicion score. uses HTTP protocol and has a valid SSL certificate for the next five days.

The privacy policy content of is plagiarized from There are no terms, customer contact details or owner’s information mentioned on The details of the website owner and their contact details are censored using services of Privacy Corp. is not present on any social media platforms.

Services of is a single-page website giving various links to check the details of Walmart Gift Cards. However, all Walmartgiftcard com links, except one link, redirect the users to the home page of There is an option for searching for your requirement. The website serves as a search engine and offers closely matching sponsored links.

One active link on, which is for checking the balance of a gift card, redirects you to, which comes up as an advertisement for buying McAfee Total Protection services. The advertisement will look like an emergency for inexperienced internet users as it informs that ‘Users PC could be vulnerable to threats and viruses!’. 

Walmartgiftcard com deviating users:

By looking at the alert message, the users will get influenced to consider their security upgrade first. The inexperienced internet users may click the option to subscribe to anti-virus services as they are also lured by offering a 50% discount for the first year.

Conclusion: is a scam. It is not endorsed by to provide details of gift cards. There are no customer reviews and feedback on the internet regarding the services of is registered with the URL to gain the attention of inexperienced internet users. After a long time since its launch, it has a poor trust score, business and Alexa Ranking.

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