Walmart Juneteenth Ice Cream {May} Curious? Read Here!

We will discuss Walmart Juneteenth Ice Cream post on social media, which is getting viral recently.

Do you know why Walmart and Juneteenth Ice Cream are getting viral all over the internet? We all know Walmart is an American multinational company that operates a chain of hypermarkets, and it has branches in the United States, Canadaand all over the world. 

The social media handles of Walmart are also very popular with its customers. So, recently Walmart posted a photo of Juneteenth Ice cream, getting viral. Let us move further and know more about Walmart Juneteenth Ice Cream in this post.

About Juneteenth Ice Cream post of Walmart

Recently Walmart posted a photo of Juneteenth Ice-Cream to celebrate its anniversary. Walmart’s attempt to mark Juneteenth with limited-edition private-label ice cream has sparked widespread outrage on social media, with the store being chastised for trivializing and profiting from a day commemorating Black people’s emancipation from decades of slavery.

Walmart’s boldness to use the national independence-day, which honors the end of slavery for all Black people, has enraged Twitter users. The post had many unintended consequences that Walmart didn’t see coming, and the people on social media did not like the Walmart post.

What is people’s reaction to the Juneteenth Ice Cream Great Value post?

Walmart has been chastised on social media for using Juneteenth as a marketing ploy. The ice cream in question is Great Value Celebration Edition Juneteenth, which features a call to “share and celebrates African-American culture, emancipation, and enduring hope” on its label. 

On social media, critics saw it as a tone-deaf attempt by a large retailer managed by wealthy white families to profit on the June 19th holiday by selling an ice cream flavor nearly identical to one marketed by a Black-owned company. So Juneteenth Ice Cream Great Value got a lot of criticism.

How has Walmart responded to people’s reviews on the Juneteenth post?

Walmart might not have thought of this reaction from the audience on social media. However, Walmart is taking it seriously, and it looks as if they acknowledge their mistake. In a statement, Walmart said, “We are assessing our selection and will remove things as needed.” 

The store noted that the “Juneteenth festival celebrates independence and freedom.” “However, we have got feedback that several items have caused some of our customer’s anxiety, for which we apologize.” So far, the updates on Walmart Juneteenth Ice Cream are mentioned. We will update you on the latest news accordingly.

Final Verdict –

The post of Walmart has caused a lot of trouble for it, but we hope it will be a lesson for them, and Walmart also has apologized for it. We hope you have got the information you came for. To see more reviews of people on the Walmart post, check out this link. 

What are your views on the Juneteenth Ice cream post of Walmart? Let us know in the comment section below. Also, do share this Walmart Juneteenth Ice Cream post to inform others.

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