Usdtgcoin Com Legit {May} What Are The Behind Facts!

Read exclusive reviews unavailable elsewhere to know if is Usdtgcoin com Legit? Also, learn user experience of similar websites.

Did you know that a similar website scammed innocent customers from the Philippines? The customer service team contacted the customers on WhatsApp and built good customer relationships till the customer invested thousands of dollars. 

A few days after investment, the customer service manager stopped responding to queries on WhatsApp and blocked customers’ accounts, leaving no option to withdraw investments or contact customer service in the absence of contact information. Let’s scrutinize to check if is Usdtgcoin com Legit?

About was launched yesterday, on 11th May 2022 and registered in the USA. However, has a short life expectancy of only one year, expiring on 11th May 2023. Existence in the financial market is an important factor in determining a Scam, as financial platforms build long-term customer relationships and trust. is one-day old website with a terrible 1% trust score. Technical data of the website censors its owners’ identity and contact details using services of secured detector sites, making it impossible to trace the owners in case of a Scam; accounted for checking Usdtgcoin com Legit?

No policy, terms and conditions are present on did not include any links to social media, and no customer service contact details were given, making it difficult to contact customer support. Such websites may use WhatsApp and Telegram apps to send bulk spam messages to customers.

Misusing WhatsApp and Telegram was observed as the general practice of fraudulent practices as the members of such chat rooms are fake and employees from the same platform. Such fake group members pose as genuine customers appreciating the platform’s services and high RoI to encourage innocent customers for huge investments.

Is Usdtgcoin com Legit? has evolved as an exact replica of offering investments in USTD and promising good RoI. requires the customer to register their name, Email, Country, Phone number, TRC20 or ERC20 wallet type and Wallet address, which is enough payment information to be given on a high-risk and newly launched website. is considered at high-risk as a third-party website which does not clarify its terms, conditions and policies and can block customer accounts at any point in time for looting their investments, which is undesirable, and one of the factors considered to evaluate is Usdtgcoin com Legit? The positive side of is the use of secured HTTPS protocol and valid SSL certification.

There are no customer reviews, feedback and ratings available for on the internet, social media, reviewing websites and YouTube. has a poor 5,252,103 Alexa Ranking.

Conclusion: may take time to improve its TrustRank and Alexa Score. But, due to its recent launch, short life expectancy, absence of owner’s details and customer service contact information, observing as a security fraud, seems a Scam. Before USTD investment, it is advised to observe trends and customer feedback over the next 3 months to determine if had closed any investment accounts.

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