Text Broker Scam {June} Explore Reviews, Legitimacy!

Read exclusive reviews unavailable elsewhere about Text Broker Scam. Also, learn the reasons for TextBroker.com propagated as a Scam.

Do you know, TextBroker.com provides content writing services in the United States? A client must complete registration, supply the content writing guidelines and fund their TextBroker.com account. Only once the account is funded a content writer is assigned to work on the client’s request. Once the freelancer submits the article/blog, the client can accept it, submit it for rewriting with suggestions or disapprove of the article. 

Let’s scrutinize information about Text Broker Scam.

The legitimacy of TextBroker.com:

TextBroker achieved an excellent 96% trust score, a significant Alexa Rank of 30,699, an average Business ranking of 62.9%, and low suspicion profile score of 18%. Its IP uses a secured HTTPS connection with a valid SSL certificate for the next 330 days. Hence, TextBroker is a LEGITIMATE website providing AUTHENTIC SERVICES.

Phillip Thune is the CEO of TextBroker. TextBroker.com was launched on 30th August 1999 and was registered in the USA. It is a twenty-two year nine, months, and thirteen days old website. Though it has long existed, its registration will expire within two months and seventeen days on 30th August 2022.

Textbroker Reviews:

TextBroker.com has a STRINGENT POLICY that a freelancer SHOULD BE from USA and UK only. Based on these criteria, hundreds of accounts were closed without notice and remained unpaid. While we checked the feedback of freelancers on BBB and Quora (https://www.quora.com/Does-a-Textbroker-really-work-or-is-it-fake), we found:

  • The freelancers complained that they were asked to take a picture in front of a particular location in the USA or UK to check if they live in these countries.
  • Freelancers who moved to the USA but submitted their ID proof of a different country was banned, and these freelancers filed complaints about Text Broker Scam
  • Freelancers using VPN to work on TextBroker.com were excluded as their IP address was detected differently than USA and UK,
  • A freelancer from the USA or the UK can sign-up on TextBroker, at a default 3-star rating. Over a while, he is promoted to 4-stars and then to 5-stars ratings after an assessment, which freelances felt was politically motivated.
  • Another freelancer complained that he submitted thousands of articles and had worked for years with TextBroker.com, but they closed his account, which had more than a $200 balance. It was because if a freelancer disputes about low payment for an article, his star ranking is degraded, or his account is banned.

Low Payment rates treated as Text Broker Scam:

  • A 2-star freelancer is paid 0.007¢/word,
  • A 3-star is paid 0.01¢/word,
  • A 4-star is paid 0.014¢/word, and
  • A 5-star is paid 0.05¢/word.

Note: We do not support/oppose TextBroker.com, similar businesses/services, or any freelancers. We are providing information as obtained from internet sources.


The TextBroker Scam is a rumor. Freelances posted their complaints on social media, consumer discussion forums, and most notably on the BBB. Most of the accounts that were closed was due to violation of TextBroker.com policies. TextBroker is providing legitimate services with more than 100K freelancers to thousands of clients.

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