7 Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction You Should be Worried about

Erectile dysfunction affects most men today. It can be caused by a range of things, including stress, anxiety, and depression. But it can also be a sign of something more serious, such as heart disease or diabetes. So if you’re concerned about your sexual health, it’s important to know the signs and symptoms of erectile dysfunction so you can get treatment as soon as possible. Here are some red flags to look out for:

1. Loss of Libido

The loss of interest in sex is sometimes the first sign that something is wrong. You may also have fewer spontaneous erections, which means you don’t get erections when you see something stimulating. Erectile dysfunction can affect both men and women, but it usually affects men who are older than 70 years old. Erectile dysfunction can also be associated with diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

2. Difficulty Peeing

You may feel that you have to urinate frequently when you don’t, or you might actually have trouble peeing (peeing at first only drops rather than flows out of your penis). This symptom can come on slowly or suddenly, depending on the cause. For example, some medications can cause this symptom by blocking signals from the brain that tell your bladder when it’s time to go. Other drugs and medications can affect your bladder muscles and make them weaker.

3. Pain during Sex

Pain during sex is a red flag for erectile dysfunction. If you’re experiencing pain when you or your partner inserts your penis into the vagina, this could be the result of a condition known as Peyronie’s disease. This condition causes a curved or bent penis due to scar tissue that forms within the penis. Also, painful intercourse can be a sign that your body isn’t producing enough blood flow to your penis when aroused or that your heart isn’t pumping blood as efficiently as it should be. If this happens suddenly or without warning (like when you’re having intercourse), it could indicate that something serious is happening inside your body. If you experience this type of pain while having sex, make a consultation for erectile dysftunction. Your doctor will likely recommend treatments such as physical therapy and taking anti-inflammatory medication to reduce swelling and pain.

4. Changes in Sleep Patterns and Moods

If you experience new problems sleeping or changes in your mood, it may be an early sign of erectile dysfunction. Also, if you’re not sleeping well, you may find yourself more irritable than usual, which can affect your relationships with others. If you’re experiencing these changes along with other symptoms of erectile dysfunction, it could mean something more serious is going on than just ED.

5. Painful Ejaculation

Pain during ejaculation is another sign that something isn’t right down there. If this happens only once in a while and goes away quickly, it may not be a big deal. But if it happens frequently or lasts longer than usual, it could be a symptom of erectile dysfunction or another health problem like prostate cancer or inflammation of the urethra (urethritis). Talk to your doctor as soon as possible if you notice any pain during ejaculation so they can investigate further and offer treatment options if necessary.

6. Problems Getting or Keeping an Erection

If you have been experiencing erectile dysfunction for more than three months, it could be a sign of an underlying health problem like high blood pressure or diabetes. If this is the case, see your GP as soon as possible to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

7. Anxiety about Sexual Performance

Many men experience anxiety when they think about sex or sexual encounters. If you find yourself feeling this way often, however, it could be a sign that something more serious is going on with your body and mind. This type of anxiety can also lead to performance issues — another sign that something may be wrong.

The Bottom Line

It’s important to be in tune with your own body and recognize the warning signs of erectile dysfunction (ED). Knowing the symptoms of ED can help you treat ED early before it gets worse and turn your life around.

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