Spotifypiechart Com {June} Explore Features, Legitimacy!

Read exclusive facts unavailable elsewhere about Spotifypiechart com to know about its features, functions and authenticity.

Are you a music lover and listen to Spotify regularly in the United Kingdom and the United States? But, did you analyze what types of genres you listen to? Did you ever wonder which artists you listen to the most? Darren Huang developed an unofficial Spotify Unwrapped application for this purpose and also launched an online version at

Taking advantage of Darren Huang’s website popularity, Spotifypiechart com came up!


Amid the trending news of the Spotify Unwrapped application and Darren Huang’s website gaining immense popularity in recent days to create a Pie Chart showing the taste of the music listeners, the user is eager to see a pictorial representation of genres and artists they listen to.

The pictorial representation became popular on Spotify Pie Chart. It is understood with customer behavior that most users will try to access Darren Huang’s website to check their Pie Chart at least once. Hence, ‘Spotify Pie Chart’ is extensively searched these days. 

Taking advantage of this, Spotifypiechart com was registered with keywords that would show the website in the top results of the search engine. However, is a Scam.

The legitimacy of achieved a terrible 1% Trust Score, 42.8% business ranking, and Zero Alexa score, which shows that it is not a legitimate website. However, its ranking may improve in future as it is day old website. is not a secured website as it uses the only HTTP protocol. Its IP has an SSL certification which valid for the next 88 days, but all browsers do not trust its SSL certificate. 

Spotifypiechart com scored 40% on suspicion profile, 17% on malware, 8% on spam, and 41% on threat and phishing profile, which shows that it holds security risk for users’ devices and data.

Features of was registered and launched yesterday, on 8th June, 2022. It is registered for one year until 8th June 2023. Therefore, it has a short life expectancy. There are no terms of usage or policy content present on 

The information of the website’s owners and their contact information is censored. The customer service email and contact number are also not given on

How does Spotifypiechart com work? does not show any Spotify data or Pie Charts. Instead, it acts as a search engine giving its criteria or options. There are three options listed on, including:

  1. Market Data,
  2. Report and
  3. Servicetitan estimates.

All three links redirect the users to sponsored links and websites. Such links and websites are closely matching the default search options. 

Conclusion: scored terribly on Trust Index, Business Ranking and Alexa Score. However, like a day old website, its ranking may improve in future. is registered with specific keywords in its URL to attract traffic from users unfamiliar with the URL of Darren Huang’s website. Therefore, Spotifypiechart com is a Scam. Four website reviews also suggest the same. 

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