Puree Wordle {March} Guess The Current Quiz Answer!

The article Puree Wordle was about a quiz and some problems related to one of its words. Read to find out more.

Do you know what wordle is? Do you know the answer to 255 wordles? What is the controversy related to it?

These days wordle is a trending game, and people are enjoying their winning streak on wordle daily quiz. But recently, something happened, and their steak broke, and players from Australiathe United Statesthe United Kingdomand Canada are upset.

Let us see why Puree Wordle is trending. 

Why Is Puree Word Trending?

We all know how popular the wordle game is among everyone. This word quiz game releases quizzes for the day. But a recent wordle quiz has sparked some hatred among players.

The Jumbled word ‘Puree’ was wordle 255’s question, and many people from the western world could not guess it right because the answer was ‘RUPEE’. The rupee is the Indian currency, and people said this wordle quiz was too political.  

Because of the wrong guess, their winning streak ended. On Twitter, players criticized and expressed their anger after the whole incident.

More Details On Puree Game

On 1st March 2022, wordle fans were upset and posted tweets on Twitter expressing their anger. Some people said that they couldn’t guess ‘Rupee’. This was a quiz out of nowhere, and it was a challenging word.  

So, the Rupee wordle or 255 wordle answer was trending on Twitter for a while.

A similar word with PUR_E:

  • Purse
  • Puree
  • Purge

These are five-letter words in the wordle game for guessing. We hope our readers find this list helpful while guessing words. Because these words are not typical and some players may find it difficult to answer these.

Read the whole article to know about Puree Wordle.

Wordle Game

Wordle is a word game that lets you test your vocabulary. Wordle is a word puzzle game where you guess words quiz. Clues appear as words are selected, and the longer you play, the more complex the puzzles get. Some puzzles have multiple solutions or require you to think “outside the box”.

How to play?

  • Wordle has a daily word quiz. One word is released every day, and you have to guess it.
  • Generally, there are 5 or 6 letter quizzes.
  • Players will have only six chances to guess the correct answer.
  • You can play it daily and create a daily winning streak.

The Puree Wordle quiz was challenging. And on some days, players can get even more difficult words. This is not just a game. We have to be aware of our surroundings to answer such questions. We wish you luck with your following wordle quiz. 


In this article, we discussed the wordle game, its 255th word. The answer was ‘Rupee’, and people could not guess it correctly. So, there was a kind of controversy created over the whole topic. Anyways, wordle is a fun game. Everyone should try it.

To know more about the game, click here 

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Also Read : – Worldle World Game (March) Wordle’s Geography Version!

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