Project Veritas Teacher (Sep 2022) The Latest News!

This document will answer your questions and guide the Project Veritas Teacher video breach and other facts and data.

Do you know what Project Veritas is? Have you ever heard about it? Are you curious to know about it? Are you aware of project veritas on teachers? Do you know about the recent news? Why is this in the news? Is there something serious about it? Let’s find out.

The citizens of the United States are curious to know about the recent news. In this article, we will learn about Project Veritas Teacher.

Know more about teacher videos:

A middle school teacher in New York City is the latest in a string of cases in which Project Veritas has exposed teachers who allegedly indoctrinate their children with politics. Ariane Franco, an English teacher at a middle school in New York City, was seen by Project Veritas talking about how she spent “a solid two months” instructing her students on the value of protesting and how to plan a protest “in strategic ways.” 

Additionally, Franco is seen in the video acknowledging that she urges her students not to stand during the Pledge of Allegiance and that, at one point, she even changed the pledge’s words. Let’s see more about Project Veritas Teacher.

Why is it in the news?

Right-wing news organisation Project Veritas has already published four distinct exposés regarding teachers and administrators that push their ideological preferences in the classroom. Project Veritas primarily does undercover reporting.

The Department of Education in New York City was contacted by The National Desk (TND) for comment, but no response was received right away. This narrative will be updated if an answer is given. Let us read this topic in depth; that is exactly what happened.

Everything You Need To Know About Project Veritas Teacher-

The strategies employed by the divisive conservative group claimed that “hundreds” of tips had been submitted to reveal potential bias in schools following the release of their new series. Project Veritas’ most recent series exposing teachers and administrators’ alleged discrimination in schools includes excerpts from covertly captured films.

A New York City professor is heard purportedly saying in snippets of the most recent covertly filmed video that he wouldn’t hire someone if they didn’t share a particular worldview.

What is Project Veritas:

A Western extreme reformist group called This Project uses private videos to refute organisations on mainstream channels. Project Veritas Teacher is one of them. James O’Keefe is the founder of Project Veritas. Project Veritas employs undercover, hidden camera techniques to find information that cannot be found through more conventional reporting techniques. As a result, Project Veritas has come under fire for using misleading tactics.

Note: The above info is based on internet sources.


The National Desk (TND) tried to connect with The Department of Education for the comment, but no response was received. That is all we have for today’s post. Want more info about Project Veritas, click here

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