Planetarium Risk of Rain (March 2022) Read Details Here!

This post below has a few fascinating facts about Planetarium Risk of Rain to help you perform better with any avatar as it appears the most prominent.

Is the latest version of Risk of Rain 2 DLC launched? Does it have new characters and unveil after buying the Void expansion’s Survivors?

Game lovers across the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, and other parts of the globe often look for new challenges to invade Void today’s monsters.

Do you seek facts associated with Planetarium Risk of Rain? Then, you may read the post below and find more about the recent version of Risk of Rain.

What exactly is the Risk of Rain from Planetarium?

A purple orb indicates the purple teleporter gateway, Planetarium that may emerge at the tele-copter. 

Once you pass through, you will face a blank field-like battle before passing by another portal. After you’ve progressed far enough, you’ll face a three-stage boss encounter. 

The concluded stage saves time while going through it, and the Planetarium is completed by killing it and passing through the last portal. 

How to Escape the Planetarium Risk of Rain 2?

Players have been told to watch for a purple portal that appears after completing a level or hitting Simulacron’s wave 50.

To get to the Void Fields, players must enter the Lunar Bazaar through a blue portal, walk down the hole, and ultimately locate a tunnel underneath that goes to the Void Fields gateway.

Once completed, you may gain entrance to the Void Fiend, a corrupt survivor who alternates between a corrupted and controlled state. Its design team confirmed earlier in 2022 that these various variants have varied weaknesses and strengths. 

When is Planetarium Risk of Rain available?

On March 1, 2022, the Risk of Rain 2 DLC will be accessible to install and play over PCs, and it will include many new areas and items to discover.

A few will need unlocking, and some will be accessible when you begin playing the brand-new update.

How to void Fiend and unlock Railgunner?

The latest RoR or Risk of Rain 2 Railgunner avatar gets accessible once you begin playing, as per those that dive right in. 

To get accessibility to this feature right now, you need to purchase the Void expansion’s survivor. 

The Escape the Planetarium Risk of Rain 2 Railgunner is a lengthy expert accessible in the game for those looking to learn about the new survivors.

The M99 Sniper, for example, may identify and transform weapons and weak points to pierce 1000% railgun damage. 

Upon shooting a shot, the Railgunner’s M99 Sniper feature activates an Active Reload indicator; an ideal reload allows you to shoot your subsequent shot faster while increasing the base damage by more than 500%.


The newly launched version of Risk of Rain has grabbed a lot of attraction. A Void Fiend is a survivor that takes little time to obtain seems to be another intriguing feature to the Planetarium Risk of Rain gameplay. 

It seems to have entrance to the Void Fiend, but you must first defeat the final Planetarium’s boss, a new location.  

Also, tap here to know the most intriguing facts about Risk of Rain’s Planetarium.

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