Oreo Double Cookies Stuffed {July} Latest Experiment!

Read information about Oreo Double Cookies Stuffed to know the product features, user reviews, and evaluation of double cream.

Did you know Double Stuffed Oreo was launched in the United States in 1974? It is more than 48 years old and has become a favorite and popular cookie. Did you know that Oreo claimed their cookies contain double (2X) the amount of cream compared to regular Oreo cookies? But, this claim did not prove to be true. Results of two experiments showed that Oreo Double Cookies Stuffed contains only 1.86X to 1.91X times more cream than regular cookies.

About Double Stuffed Oreo:

Double Stuffed Oreo was launched in the market as a snack that can be carried for school lunch for children (or) to the office and workplace and consumed leisurely at home. The Double Stuffed Oreo tastes good when taken with milk as it has double the cream that adds sweet flavor, and the cookies contain chocolate flavor. Hence, Double Stuffed Oreo are considered more dunkable.

Double Stuffed Oreo is a GENUINE product in the US and multinational markets. Double Stuffed Oreo is sold on several shopping sites such as Amazon, Walmart, Target, Etc. Double Stuffed Oreos has an influential presence on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter, with more than 4,20,27,596 subscribers.

There are hundreds of positive YouTube and website reviews about Double Stuffed Oreo. Thirty-one reviews on Facebook rated Double Stuffed Oreo at 4/5 stars. Double Stuffed Oreo reviews on shopping sites are positive and above 4.5/5-stars.

Mondelez Internationa owns the Oreo company. Through a series of mergers and acquisitions, Mondelez Internationa launched Oreo on 6th March 2012. The Oreo brand has a long existence in the market.

Double Stuffed Oreo are available in different sizes suitable for individual consumption and in a large size of 1 pound. 

Double Stuffed Oreo Package contains:

Artificial flavor, baking soda, calcium phosphate, chocolate, cocoa processed with alkali, folic acid, high fructose corn syrup, niacin, palm, canola oil, reduced iron, riboflavin vitamin b2, salt, soy lecithin, thiamine mononitrate vitamin b1, unbleached enriched flour, wheat flour, sugar.

A teacher wanted to check if Double Stuffed Oreo contains 2X the cream in regular Oreo cookies. The teacher found that the amount of cream is approximately 1.86X times more than original Oreo cream cookies, leaving a shortfall of 0.14X the cream. 

In another experiment by a YouTube user, the total weight of only the cookies was measured, then the total weight of each Oreo Double Cookies Stuffed with the cream was checked. The Double Stuffed Oreo contained 1.91X times the cream compared to the original cookies.


Oreo is undoubtedly a legitimate product in the USA for more than 48 years. Three other variants, Oreo Thin, Original Oreo, and Mega 3X stuffed Oreos, are also available in the market. The Oreo brand is more than 110 years old. The taste of Oreos is liked by many people who provided good product ratings.

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