Martial Peak 1874 {Jan} Read Novel’s Episode Update!

Readers will find all the relevant information regarding Martial Peak 1874. We hope you found this article helpful.

Many people Worldwide love reading novels. Even if they are too busy in their life, they take out a few minutes or hours from their busy schedule to read novels. They give us plenty of information about many things that we are unaware of.

Do you love Chinese novels? Have you heard of Martial peak? If you are a fan of this novel, you visited the right page. In this article, we will discuss Martial Peak 1874.

What is Martial Peak?

Martial Peak is a comic novel that was released in 2013. It was written by Momo. The novel has many characters. It is based on adventure, action, ecchi, martial arts, live-action, Harem. The novel got very popular a few times after its release. Its all-time rank is 49. People from different parts of the world love to read this novel, and it is also available in English on many websites.

 The story is based on survival and stubbornness to become the strongest. The main character is Yang Kai. He obtained a black book one day, which created a path to martial arts peak. The novel has upto 6009 chapters. Martial Peak 1874 is one of the most interesting chapters.

Main Character

Although the story has many amazing characters, the main character is Yang Kai. He was a weak boy during his teenage years but transformed into a more composed and calm guy after cultivation. Yang kai does not appear arrogant. Instead, he is seen as a confident and calm person. He has loving and caring feelings for his family, friend, and loved ones.

He has black coloured hair and eyes. He belongs to the golden dragon species. Yang kai was a sweeper until he obtained a black book. After he got the black book, it changed his way and made a path for martial peaks, and from here, the story begins.

Martial Peak 1874

Martial Peaks has 6009 chapters that are released one by one on a specific date. One of its chapters is chapter 1874-Kuang shi Zong which was released on 13 April 2021. The beginning of the chapter is very exciting.

 The story starts with many purple city stars being shaken after watching a great battle to the sky, and all of them are very anxious. Most of the people were not aware of whatever was happening there. Some cultivators took a back step, and some went to the battle to content. Martial Peak 1874 seems like a suspicious chapter.


In the above paragraphs, we read about the Martial Peak. There are more amazing characters that make the novel more interesting. There are many more chapters to release. You can read the novel online on various sites. To read the full chapter, you can refer to this link 

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Also Read : – Martial Peak 1559 {Oct} Read Full Novel Chapter Here!

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