Josh Australian Survivor {March 2022} Read Details Here!

This news is a complete insight towards a challenging journey and shocking news for Josh Australian Survivor.

Have you heard about the recent news of an Australian survivor’s wife being pregnant? Do you know what good news Josh is bringing back home? If not, then read below for more.

People from Australia are thankful and happy about the recent news that brought tears to many tribes. Facing a lot of immunity challenges, Josh had stepped into a miracle. As per the news, his wife is pregnant.

This news specifies the condition of tribals and Australia and the recent news of Josh Australian Survivor getting his wife pregnant.

Josh Talk on Tribals

In the season of Australian survivor Josh Millgate, what’s the tenth player who was enrolled on 27th of January 2021 in the blood fifth water solo survival? Josh is 31 years old and was born in Melbourne. As a late professional, he was a pilot, applied for the season of blood V water for 2022, and is still committed to the ranks.

As a result, Josh talks about the survival skills he had faced and went through. Keen for winning 5 lakh dollars as the grand prize, he has been through all the seasons and hard times during the discovery of the tribal world.

Read below to know more about the present situation of Josh Australian Survivor wife!

Josh’s Wife Pregnancy Reveal

The last episode from Sunday revealed that Josh Millgate turned emotional due to the discovery of his wife’s pregnancy. During the episode, he received a letter from the home, which revealed the ultrasound pictures. Immediately turned into emotions and busted out of tears, realizing that he would be a father soon.

His wife writes a letter congratulating him for letting his dream come true. She also invited some on the expected date! Josh says they faced many hardships due to his wife’s health issues. 

Josh Australian Survivor had an IVF test, and it turned out positive. 

Baby’s expected date

After the ultrasound and IVF results turned positive, they have plans for a better future ahead. Saige, his wife, specifies in the letter that after consulting the doctor, the dates announced are between May 2022. As a personal guess, they expect the baby by the 22nd of May 2022.

Saige also wishes Josh to be present for the expected day and not return home early for disturbing his Australian series of Survivor. Being emotional about this news, Josh got excited and officially declared the news on the series by Monday’s show.

Josh Australian Survivor Reaction

During the cast, Josh and his friend’s gadget for announcements. During the show on Sunday night, you receive a letter from the faculty. The latest pacifies the pregnancy test of his fiance Saige. Reading the emotional letter, he started crying and was extremely thankful.

His excitement was also seen on the Monday morning show where he announced the news of his wife’s miracle!


Concluding this newspaper that the Australian Survivor 2022 cast is experienced in many tacts. They have even enjoyed the emotional attachments and miracle news during the cast.

Come in delivery opinion on the participation of blood V water contestants! Do you know Josh Australian Survivor is an expert in executive physical and social strategy gameplays?

Also Read : – Were There Any Survivors on Flight 93 {Sep 2021} Read!

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