Dr Jose Desena Dominican Republic Reviews {April} Read!

Read Dr Jose Desena Dominican Republic Reviews to determine the risk factors involved, the brutality of Dr Jose resulting in thousands of deaths.

Did you know that plastic surgery can help in shaping your body? Thousands of tourists from the United States and Canada turn to Dominican Republic for plastic surgery due to its low cost. However, many deaths have been reported due to plastic surgery in recent years. 

Plastic surgeries performed by Dr Jose Desena had high rate of failures and deaths. Let’s check below about Dr Jose Desena Dominican Republic Reviews.

Brief about Plastic Surgery:

There are many renounced surgeons in the Dominican Republic performing plastic surgery. At the same time, some surgeons had risked the life of their patients and lost their reputations. Dr Jose Desena is one such surgeon who is criticized for his ignorance and recklessness. 

It must be noted that plastic surgery requires proper attention as it involves many risks such as blood loss fall in BP, which leads to death. Ignorance of the surgeon may lead to nerve damage, organ damage, complications of anesthesia, blood clotting, severe infection, formation of pockets of blood, swelling and unbearable pain.

Dr Desena Deaths:

One of Dr Jose’s patients, Cristal Jones, had to opt for plastic surgery as her body had 3rd-degree burns. She filed a petition as she has informed to Dr Jose that her condition was superficial and handled her case in ignorance, due to which she had suffered a lot after the surgery.

A woman had consulted Dr Jose in July 2020 during the pandemic for plastic surgery. However, she passed away after the surgery was performed. Her body was not released. Most of the time, the cause of death was reported as natural causes. Similarly, Dr Jose Desena Dominican Republic Reviews determined that more than 1,000 patients had died after Dr Jose performed the surgery.

Exercise helps shape and firm your body, but for specific areas, plastic surgery is required. Such areas include shaping the nose, chin and cheeks, etc. Though the USA is ranked as the best country for plastic surgery, it involves huge costs, so people travel to DO. 

Why People prefer Dominican Republic:

All types of Plastic Surgeries are available at 40% to 80% cheaper cost in the Dominican Republic(DO). For example, BA costs approximately $7,000 in the US and only $2,000 in DO; Dr Jose Desena Dominican Republic Reviews ascertained that a facelift costs $9,000 in the US and $3,000 in DO. Likewise, a BBL only costs $6,000 in DO.


As per online sources, due to high rate of death and surgery failures by Dr Jose, people in the DO are demanding the cancellation of his medical practitioner certification and requesting a ban on him. Due to risk factors involved in plastic surgery that may lead to death and many other abnormalities, a consultation with an ignorant surgeon like Dr Jose comes at high risk.

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