Does Deep Cleaning Teeth Hurt

Swelling, pain, and bleeding gums are all signs of gum infection. Gingivitis or periodontitis is a medical term that describes the bacterial infection in the gums.

And the best way to treat gum severe gum disease is by doing a deep cleaning procedure. While deep cleaning is often times necessary to prevent gum disease and tooth decay, the fear of pain often holds people back from getting the treatment.

But is it a painful procedure? We decided to find out more details on deep cleaning with help of the Gies family and cosmetic dentistry in San Antonio, Tx.

What Is Deep Cleaning Teeth?

Deep cleaning is a more intensive cleaning of the teeth than regular cleaning. It is also called deep scaling or root planning. This type of cleaning is done when there is tartar buildup on the teeth below the gumline. 

The tartar is a hardened film filled with bacteria that can cause inflammation in the gums, which leads to signs of gum disease like swelling, bleeding, or pain. A deep cleaning helps remove this tartar and allows the gums to heal once again.

Deep cleaning is usually done in two visits to the dentist if the procedure is required for the entire mouth. The first visit is to clean the upper teeth and the second visit is to clean the lower teeth. In some cases,  only a particular area of the mouth or just 1-2 teeth are cleaned.

 During the procedure, the roots of the teeth are also smoothed to remove any bacteria that may be present. So the procedure can indeed be invasive in nature and require sutures in some cases.

Does Deep Cleaning Teeth Hurt?

The thought of having your teeth scraped and poked can be daunting, but it is important to understand that the pain associated with a deep cleaning is usually minimal. In fact, most patients report feeling only slight discomfort during the procedure. 

Dentists usually use local anesthesia to numb the entire area before the procedure begins. So you won’t notice any sensitivity or pain during the procedure. Once the anesthesia wears off, some pain is expected as the gums are still healing. But your dentist will prescribe pain-killing medication for relief. The pain usually subsides in 1-3 days and you can continue using painkillers as prescribed by the dentist.

How To Reduce Discomfort Caused By Deep Cleaning

There are a few things you can do to ensure that your deep cleaning is as pain-free as possible. First, be sure to visit a dentist that you trust and feel comfortable with. It is also important to take some ibuprofen or another over-the-counter pain reliever before your appointment if recommended by the dentist. 

Finally, be sure to communicate with your dentist about any pain you are feeling during or after the procedure so that they can make give you the necessary medication or treatment for relief. 

Deep cleanings are an important part of maintaining good oral health, so don’t let the fear of pain hold you back from getting the treatment you need!

 It is also best to eat cold, non-spicy foods only for the next 2-3 days to help the gums heal faster. And use a soft-bristle toothbrush to brush your teeth over the next few days.

How Often Should People Deep Clean Their Teeth?

During a deep cleaning, the tartar is scraped off of the roots of teeth and below the gum line. So unlike regular cleaning which is recommended to be done at least once a year, deep cleaning sessions are not required regularly. It should only be performed under the professional advice of the dentist.

If your gums are healthy or bleeding slightly, you can simply opt for regular cleansing to remove tartar buildup along the teeth. Deep cleansing is only done whenever regular cleansing is ineffective in removing bacterial buildup.

So in absence of severe gum disease, deep cleansing is not required.  If you are concerned about pain, you can talk to your dentist about ways to manage it.

The Cost of Deep Cleaning

The cost of deep cleaning varies from one clinic to another based on its location, the experience of the dentist, and the quality of services offered. It also varies based on the area that needs a deep cleaning. So a full mouth deep cleaning will cost more than compared to partial deep cleaning.

So it is best to call up the dentist’s clinic to get your teeth evaluated and get a quote on the services. But the average cost of deep cleaning is $100 or more per quadrant.

If you need deep teeth cleaning in San Antonio, Tx, you can consult Dr. Lavoyger Gies at Gies Dental Clinic. He is a family and cosmetic dentist who have several years of experience in providing dental care. So call up his clinic or book an appointment online through their website to find discuss your treatment options in detail.

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