College Strike 2022 {March} Get The Inside Facts Here!

This article holds facts about the data on College Strike 2022. The report emphasizes the demands, strike date and time, unresolved issues, and the impact.

Do you know about the Humber strike? Are you aware that OPSEU (Ontario-Public-Service-Employees) will strike in recent times? Yes, you read it right. The faculty member had warned the college council of employers for a strike on the 18th of March 2022. It is this coming Friday at midnight.

The Union represents more than sixteen thousand faculty members in Ontario College of Canada and the United States

Do you want to understand it better? If yes, then read the article below that shares the relevant information of College Strike 2022.

About the Strike

Twenty-four colleges in Ontario are working in the work-to-action rule. In this stage, sixteen thousand instructors, professors, librarians, and counselors are under the strike and have held their classes. This strike is due to the unacceptable amendment and a few issues in the agreement that expired in September 2021.

CEC, a college employer council, and the OPSEU are unable; to negotiate the issue with the strikers. Hence, the first strike began on the 18th of December, 2021. It is three months since the strike began. 

What is the next update on Humber College Strike 2022? Let us look more to identify it.

Demands of OPSE Union

Faculty members of the OPSE Union aim, to provide the best education for all the students here. The demands proposed by the members are acceptable. 

It is not unreasonable and hence is appropriate for approval. Though, Council is not accepting a few issues.

The OPSE Union unresolved issues

The council had not given a solution for members to recognize the appropriate responsibility of the faculty members. The members have responsibilities consisting of the supervision of graduate and undergraduate students. Also, many workloads of the members are unexplained in the agreement.

Bargaining Team updates on College Strike 2022

JP Hornick is a member of the bargaining team. He stated that the members would avoid the strike.

Also, he say that the demands are not unreasonable and can be fulfilled, by the council.

Hornick states that all the faculty members are appealing a demand that is voted by many. These demands are kept upfront; for the support of students’ stability and also load management. 

Warren Thomas is the president of the OPSE Union. Thomas is convinced of the deal, and he believes that the recent strike is possible to avoid.

Impact of Humber College Strike 2022 on Students

Joshua Sankarlal is the president of the Ontario Technology Student Union. In his statement, he states that student had lost their academic year for at least two years now. 

He informs that classes are in progress by the faculty members. In these circumstances, students are the sufferer of this strike by the union members. 

All the information in this article is from the net.


The Ontario College strike is fixed to begin on the 18th of March 2022. Though, the strike may get canceled; after considering the genuine impact on the students.

College Strike 2022 is simplified; in this article. If you still have queries related to this. We would like to know it in the comments below.

Do you want to get immediate updates on the OPSEU strike? 

Kindly visit the official Webpage here.

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