The Changing Face of Aged Care and What to Expect in the Future

As the world’s population ages, more people will need care. It means the aged care industry is changing rapidly.

Aged residential care has changed considerably in the past decade. These changes include better health care and a greater understanding of best practices for elderly people.

Person-Centred Care

Using person-centred care is important because it can help you meet your patient’s needs and improve overall care quality. The key is ensuring you understand the principles and values of person-centred care to implement them in your practice.

It is the best way to ensure you provide high-quality service to your patients. It also helps you improve patient satisfaction rates and increase team morale.

You will need to be trained and experienced in person-centred care to provide it to your clients effectively. This training will teach you how to communicate with your patients and help you build a strong relationship with them.

A person-centred approach should be used for every type of care and treatment that you provide. It will ensure that your patients can receive the right treatment for their specific conditions and can work towards the recovery they desire.

The main benefit of using a person-centred approach is that it keeps the patient at the centre of their treatment and care plans. It can greatly impact their well-being and increase their confidence in their ability to live a healthy life.


Technology is increasingly used to enhance the quality of care for aged people at Respect Aged Care. It provides a range of benefits for older adults and their families, including improved access to health information and services, fewer barriers to communication, and more opportunities for social connection.

Some technologies can be integrated into existing systems and applications in aged care homes, while others may be developed specifically for the industry. Examples of these include wearables, such as smartwatches that allow elderly people to track their heart rate and medications, or 3D printed food that is designed specifically for older individuals who are difficult to chew.

Another example is the use of virtual reality simulations for caregivers. These simulations can help them understand the effects of different diseases and conditions on their elderly clients’ lives.

These technologies also enable them to provide social and emotional enrichment for their clients. They can give clients new experiences and increase their sense of agency.

They can also give seniors a sense of belonging by connecting them with other residents through online community boards or social calendars.

This technology can also connect family members with their loved ones living in aged care by allowing them to check on their loved one’s activities and condition. It can provide peace of mind and help to keep them safe.

However, there are many challenges associated with using technology in aged care. These include resource constraints, the need to select appropriate devices and apps, client challenges, limited staff and organisational support, and family resistance.


Innovation is the process of coming up with something new that creates value. It can be a product, service or system, but it needs to solve a problem and make life easier for others.

In aged care, it can be anything from a robot that delivers food to an elderly resident to a new way of recording health check outcomes. These innovations can potentially make life in an aged care home more comfortable and safer for seniors and staff.

Investing in technology can help care providers work more effectively and efficiently, reduce costs and improve the quality of care. It means they can spend more time delivering services to their patients and less time on administration.

It can also be used to enhance communication between health practitioners and those who are caring for the patient. It can result in fewer unplanned doctor visits, laboratory tests and hospital stays.

For example, a voice assistant can be used to provide care reminders and instructions for activities of daily living. It can help seniors to stay active and avoid fall-related injuries.

Another example is a motion sensor that can detect movement and notify the caregiver. It can help the caregiver know if a resident needs assistance or if they are wandering.

A further example of innovation is using artificial intelligence to turn data gathered from multiple sources into actionable insights for caregivers and elderly residents. It can help prevent falls and other accidents in the future and save time for care workers.


Many people are not aware of the importance of socialising for a senior’s health and well-being, but it is something that everyone should strive to do. Whether hanging out with friends, family members or a caregiver, socialisation can improve the quality of life for seniors.

Studies have shown that socialisation can reduce the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s or dementia. It is because it increases mental alertness and encourages physical activity.

In addition to helping with socialisation, senior care providers can also provide seniors with access to local community centres and other places to engage in social activities. It can include bingo, card games, dance classes, and more.

It can also reduce the impact of social anxiety, which is another common mental health problem among elderly people. A study found that elderly people who were not socially engaged were twice as likely to experience anxiety than those who did.

Older adults who are unable to socialise due to health issues may need assistance from a home care agency or a caregiver to ensure they stay healthy and happy. Alternatively, they may be able to join an activity group, such as bowling or dance classes.

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