Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression Systems

Carbon Dioxide fire suppression systems employ an odorless, colorless, electrically non-conductive gas that is very effective at dispelling oxygen that fuels combustion*.

CO2 systems are commonly found in engine rooms, large newspaper printing facilities, commercial shipping freights and other areas with expensive equipment that needs protection from potential damage. Unlike halon systems, however, no clean-up chemicals are needed after CO2 release occurs.


Carbon dioxide fire suppression systems offer businesses that prioritize employee safety an efficient work environment multiple advantages over traditional fire extinguishers such as water sprinklers or foam from extinguishers; making them the optimal choice. CO2 doesn’t leave behind residue when used without damaging equipment and leaves no trace behind afterward.

CO2 fire protection systems differ from traditional firefighting techniques in that they remove oxygen from the environment in order to extinguish flames, effectively “smothering” any fire. This method prevents further spreading.

This system is also safe to operate in occupied spaces. According to NFPA 12 and International Maritime Organization SOLAS regulations, pre-discharge alarms and time delays must be implemented prior to activating the system so as to protect people from exposure during fire events or while activating it – thus giving personnel time to evacuate before any gas discharge and prevent potential injuries from being released into their environment.


Carbon dioxide fire suppression systems function by depriving flames of one of their primary fuel sources – oxygen. They’re designed to quickly respond in case a fire breaks out in a specific area, providing prompt protection.

CO2’s inert nature makes it the ideal fire suppression agent in areas with sensitive equipment, while traditional sprinkler systems could damage or destroy it. CO2 does not leave behind any residue for cleaning purposes and provides reliable fire suppression without leaving behind a mess to clean up after.

CO2 fire safety systems use CO2 gas to displace oxygen from a fire triangle while simultaneously attacking its heat component. Total flooding systems fill a room with this gas, while local application nozzles target specific spots to quickly extinguish class A, B or C hazards and equipment quickly. In contrast to traditional fire suppression systems, their discharge is safe for human reentry provided the system is tested and monitored regularly.

Environmentally Friendly

Carbon dioxide systems provided by Control Fire System LTD offer excellent cleaning advantages since they don’t utilize water or foam, helping reduce downtime with minimal clean-up requirements and downtime costs.

Carbon dioxide fire suppression systems utilize an affordable and readily-available gas that does not conduct electricity – ideal for computer data centres and other sensitive equipment. Furthermore, this gas is safe to use without corrosion issues arising, providing an ideal choice of firefighting agent for protecting their electrical equipment from fire hazards.

Carbon dioxide inhalation during carbon dioxide discharge poses a potential threat, but this risk can be reduced with a pre-discharge alarm and appropriate system design incorporating a time delay which allows occupants to safely leave the area before system discharge occurs.

CO2 fire suppression systems provide effective protection from Class B hazards (flammable liquids). They are approved for use in various applications such as dip tanks, rolling mills, vaults/tape storage spaces and marine machinery spaces. CO2 systems can especially help control hazards in auto garages or workshops where such liquids may be present, such as vault storage.


Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing System offer an economical means of safeguarding sensitive equipment. CO2 works to extinguish fire by dissolving oxygen needed for combustion, thus starving it of fuel – and its cooling effect makes it ideal for safeguarding electronics, electrical systems and paint lines from potential danger.

These systems are especially effective in unoccupied spaces such as machine rooms and other industrial plant spaces, typically featuring detectors, control units, agent storage cylinders and local application nozzles. Once configured to respond to alarms from detectors, these systems can dispense either high-pressure carbon dioxide floods or low-pressure streams of the agent as needed.

Carbon dioxide offers several distinct advantages over water or foams for protecting equipment quickly after its discharge, leaving no trace or residue behind after discharge. Furthermore, since CO2 doesn’t react with metals it provides three-dimensional protection and is less prone to corrosion than other inert gas suppression systems.

Marifilmines Team: