Bob Saget Wife {March} Filed Autopsy Lawsuit Details

This article will tell you about the reports of Bob Saget’s death and what Bob Saget Wife said in her Instagram post after two months of his sudden demise.

Bob Saget, a famous American stand up comedian, tv host and actor, died on 9 January 2022. His family, friends and fans Worldwide are in Shock and denial because of his sudden death. However, his wife, Kelly Rizzo, and her three daughters recently won the lawsuit.

Recently, Kelly Rizzo also posted a video on Instagram, expressing her feelings.  In this article, we will talk about what Bob Saget Wife said.

Autopsy lawsuit

During investigation and autopsy some graphic photographs and videos were created. Audios were also recorded and media are requesting to release them. Recently,Kelly Rizzo and her three daughters have won a lawsuit over releasing recording and graphics because the judge applied a permanent ban on the post mortem reports. 

On 14 March2022, the court hearing was held in Orlando in which Judge a permanent ban will be imposed as requested by the Saget’s family. The lawsuit states to stop release of the investigation and post mortem videos.

Bob Saget Wife Instagram post

Saget articulated her feeling of appreciation to the world through her Instagram post. Numerous people shared their stories with Kelly, and she is thankful that everyone helped her by sharing their stories. In addition, she told her Instagram family that she is trying her best to reply to the comments and engage with people.

She wants to tell everyone how appreciative,  thankful she is for everything people have done to help her in this difficult time. The kindness people have poured into her hard times have indeed made it a bit easier for her, she said.

The one thing that supported Bob Saget Wife is watching how everyone loves Bob, as this outpouring love is something that she doesn’t imagine anybody has ever experienced.

How did Bob Saget die?

The original and final death report of a comedian, actor and tv host has been released by the Florida police. Orange Sheriff’s Office county shared reports of late comedian Saget’s post mortem on Tuesday. The reports stated that Bob had been through a fracture in his skull’s base and, due to this, had bleeding all around the brain.

This injury shattered the orbital bones of the forepart of his skull. As per our research on Bob Saget Wife, the medical examiner stated that the wound was probably caused by something that is hard but covered by something that’s soft, like a fall into a floor carpet.


Bob Saget was a very popular comedian. Unfortunately, his demise has caused a significant loss to his family. The reason behind his death comes out to be a skull fracture. His wife, Kelly Rizzo, expressed gratitude and appreciation for all the support and love she received during a hard time. Visit this link to know more about Bob Saget,  

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Also Read : – Bob Saget 2022 Net Worth (Jan) Facts You Need To Know!

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