Baylor Kansas State Predictions (Feb) Read Statistics!

Please read this report to learn if your Baylor Kansas State Predictions came true in the latest match between two renowned basketball teams and other details.

Are you a basketball fan? Do you want to know about the renowned teams in this sport? Do you keep yourself updated with the latest basketball matches happening worldwide? Then, please read on to learn about the most recent college match between two famous teams. 

In this article, we have discussed one of the latest sports events. Fans from various nations, including the United States, want to learn about it. Thus, please read further to see if your Baylor Kansas State Predictions came true.

Who are the Baylor Bears and Kansas State Wildcats?

The Baylor Bears team represents the Baylor University located in Texas. The first season of Baylor was in 1907, and the group is the present national champions of the NCAA, i.e., the National Collegiate Athletic Association. Baylor Bears were also the winners of the National Invitation Tournament in 2013.

The Kansas State Wildcats represent Kansas State University. They began participation in 1902 and presently rank 39th in the all-time NCAA championships. Many former players of this team are enlisted in the Hall of Fame of National Collegiate Basketball. 

The latest match between the two teams made the fans make Baylor Kansas State Predictions right from the announcement. Basketball fans were eagerly waiting for the event to see if their predictions would come true. 

Statistics Between Baylor and Kansas State

Both teams are members of the Big 12 Conference. It was founded in 1994 as a member of the NCAA and comprises ten universities that play in college athletic tournaments.

According to the facts collected till 2020, the overall record of these two teams is a tied record of 23. However, Baylor has won all the matches in the last five meetings. Baylor leads the table 9-8 at its home location Waco. In comparison, Wildcats leads the records 12-9 at Manhattan, their native location. 

Baylor Kansas State Predictions

On 9 February at 8 pm ET, a Big-12 match occurred between the two subject teams in Manhattan. Based on the statistics in the above sections, fans had neutral feelings about the winner. Some said Baylor would win due to their past championship performance. In contrast, others concluded that Kansas State was playing in its home location to have more chances of winning. 

Who Was the Winner?

The recent college basketball match was a thrilling event. Both teams did not leave any stone unturned to score. However, the result of this match was that Baylor Bears defeated Kansas State Wildcats 75-60. Therefore, if you had made Baylor Kansas State Predictions can check your guessing abilities. 

The highest scorer for the Bears was Jonathan Tchatchoua, adding 21 points to the table. James Akinjo and Adam Flagler also played magnificently. Players Mark Smith and Nijel Pack showed commendable performance from Kansas State.  

The Closing Thoughts

It was tricky to predict the winner of the latest match as both teams are equally competent. However, Baylor Bears proved their talent and maintained their championship record. The players are now waiting for the next NCAA tournament to show their skills and aptitude.

What were your Baylor Kansas State Predictions? Please share with us below.

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