Aldi Facebook Scam (Dec 2021) Beware Of The Fake Ad Scam

The guide shares details about the Aldi Facebook Scam targeting many loyal customers of the supermarket company.

Aldi needs no introduction as it is a supermarket company with over 10K stores spanning across twenty nations, including Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The supermarket chain has a huge turnover and is considered one of the reliable brands for grocery shopping. 

Since it turns 75 in 2021, scammers are taking advantage of it and circulating a fake Facebook post claiming to reward loyal customers for sharing, commenting, and liking the post as a part of the 75th Anniversary Celebration.

The scammers targeted many people with the Aldi Facebook Scam in Dec 2020 and at the end of March 2021.     

What is the Facebook Scam of Aldi?

Aldi has completed its 75th Anniversary in 2021, and scammers are now planning to do scams in the name of the supermarket chain. They are creating and circulating fake posts on Facebook in the name of the supermarket brand. 

The scam Facebook post claims to reward the loyal customers of the supermarket chain for sharing and commenting on the post. The post claims that the brand is offering $75 worth of groceries and a $25 worth gift coupon that they can redeem while shopping at Aldi. 

After evaluating, it is found that the post is a scam.

How Aldi Facebook Scam is Committed?

Since Aldi supermarket has completed its 75th Anniversary, scammers are circulating fake Facebook posts and targeting loyal customers with attractive gifts and rewards.

The fake Facebook post claims to offer $75 worth of groceries and gift coupons to those who share the anniversary post and comment on it. They are urged to click a suspicious link to claim their rewards. 

When they click the link, they get redirected to the suspicious website to share their personal and other confidential details. As they enter the details, they are stolen and used later for fraudulent activities.    

In this way, scammers are committing the Aldi Facebook Scam. If you come across such fake posts on social media, ignore them as they are scams and may trick you into completing surveys where you may fall prey to the scammers.

What Do People Have to Say?

After evaluating the official social media page of Aldi, we found that the brand is already aware of the Facebook Scam. They shared a post to update consumers about the scam and urge them to stay alert. They asked people not to click any suspicious links and avoid all kinds of links to buy fake likes.

On the same post, people reacted and shared their comments, saying they were already aware. Some said they fell prey to Aldi Facebook Scam as they accidentally clicked the link, which got redirected to another website.     

Some people even urge people to search before sharing, commenting, or clicking any suspicious link. You may check the Thread on the official social media page of Aldi.  

The Concluding Thoughts

Aldi is a supermarket company with multiple stores across 20 countries. It has completed its 75th Anniversary in 2021. So, scammers are taking advantage of it and luring people with fake Facebook posts.   

The Aldi Facebook Scam lures people with exciting gifts and free groceries upon sharing, commenting, and clicking suspicious links. People who see such posts must not get lured or click on any suspicious link. Besides, you must learn How to Protect Yourself from a Scam.  

What do you have to say about the Facebook Scam? Please, share it in the comment section.

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