49730116 Error Code (Sep 2022) Bugs & Fixes Explained!

The guide shares the common bugs bothering the users and fixes available for the 49730116 error code.

NBA 2K20 is the popular basketball simulation video game published and developed by 2K Sports. It is based on National Basketball Association or NBA. The multiplayer video game is available for all major gaming consoles, but users of PS4 have reported a new kind of error when attempting to launch the game on their console. 

Gamers have reported that they are getting errors when negotiating with Gatorade Sponsor for offers in the MyCareer option. It seems to be a server-related error bothering many gamers in the United States.

All PS4 players are now focused on finding the right fixes to the 49730116 error code.

What is Error Code 49730116?

Error Code 49730116 is the new kind of error bothering many gamers of the PS4 gaming console. As per the gamers, they face an error when launching the MyCareer option in the NBA 2K20 game.

The error code seems to bother many games in the United States. After facing the error, players took the social media and discussion forum to share their experiences. As per the reports, gamers face errors in connecting to online services. 

The players said that they are getting Error Code 49730116 when attempting to negotiate with Gatorade Sponsor in the MyCareer Option of the game. 

How to Fix 49730116 error code?

Error Code 49730116 is the network-related error that appears when you launch the MyCareer option to negotiate Gatorade Sponsor. After evaluating, we found that the error is bothering many people, and it seems to be an old error that appears from time to time.

However, there are no quick fixes found to this error. But, some users have shared some proven methods to fix the error. 

A user said the 49730116 error code could be fixed by keep having them decline offers, and dealing offers can fix the error.  

After using this trick, many users have said that the error has been fixed as it worked for them. But, many players are scared of losing the offers after the trick. But, they must know that they will get back the offers as it never goes off permanently. 

How Are People Reacting to the Error?

After evaluating online, we found that many players face the 49730116 error code, and they took the discussion forum to share their experiences and find relevant fixes. 

People are seen sharing their experiences, inquiring about the fixes to the error. There are also video tutorials with many comments. People use these tutorials to understand the error and find the right fixes to the error code. 

Many people commented that they were facing an error when playing the game. You can look at the discussions and the Threads to have a better understanding.  


NBA 2K20 fans are bothered by a common 49730116 error code which prevents them from negotiating Gatorade Sponsor in the MyCareer option. 

However, it is a server connection error that can be fixed using the above tricks. Don’t’ worry; you won’t lose the offers as they are not gone permanently. Gamers need to learn the Things To Do When Facing an Error to get it fixed and enjoy gaming. 

Are you facing Error Code 49730116 in NBA 2K20? Please, share the common fixes you used in the comment section.

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